Brackets とか GH4W とか

Brackets 14:56

Brackets is an open-source editor for web design and development built on top of web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project was created and is maintained by Adobe, and is released under an MIT License.

What makes Brackets different from other web code editors?

  • Tools shouldn't get in your way. Instead of cluttering up your coding environment with lots of panels and icons, the Quick Edit UI in Brackets puts context-specific code and tools inline.
  • Brackets is in sync with your browser. With Live Development, Brackets works directly with your browser to push code edits instantly and jump back and forth between your real source code and the browser view.
  • Do it yourself. Because Brackets is open source, and built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you can help build the best code editor for the web.

The text editor inside Brackets is based on CodeMirror

we've actually been using Brackets to develop Brackets for awhile now, so what's there is reasonably stable.

Although Brackets is built in HTML/CSS/JS, it currently runs as a desktop application in a thin native shell, so that it can access your local files. (If you just try to open the index.html file in a browser, it won't work yet.) The native shell for Brackets lives in a separate repo, adobe/brackets-shell.

This is the new CEF3-based application shell for Brackets.

Chromium Embedded Framework


Brackets 、html と cssjavascript で出来ていて、拡張が書けて、MITライセンスで、なんかオレでも弄れそう。

GitHub for Windowspowershell 15:18

Installing GitHub for Windows is a nice way to get at once beginner's git Windows app, msysgit and posh-git - but you can only start the git shell with posh-git by calling "GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell".

What I want to do, is to start a console, load powershell, and use posh-git that comes with Github for Windows - but I can't figure a way to load it into the powershell.

hail2u 15:33

そういえば hail2u サン、えらくながいあいだみてない。

hail2u サン、2012/08/11 であらゆる時間がとまってる。


手軽に GitHub から何か引っ張ってきて、眺めるのに良さそうなモノ無いかなあ、ということで BracketsGitHub for Windows 使ってみるか、という感じです。

「眺めたい何か」っていうのが tombloo とか taberareloo とかとかなので別に Brackets で十分ぽい気がする。

もともと GitHub にあるリポジトリを引っ張ってきて読むために使う、みたいなのあんま見つからないので自分でなんとかせんといかん。