

LivingInternet.comAutoPagerize しようと思ったら nextLink が javascript:Page_next(); ってなってた。


// Living Internet Source Code, Version 2006-01-01
// Copyright (c) 1999-2006 William Stewart
// The Living Internet source code is free software; you can redistribute
// it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA, 02111-1307, USA
// Documentation, a copy of the GNU GPL license, and additional information
// about this software can be obtained at LivingInternet.com/tsourcecode.htm
// Global variables:
//   chapters_index:  String of single letter designators for chapters
//   current_page:  The index of the current page in "page_list"
//   page_list:  List of pages of the site
//   page_list_length:  Number of entries in "page_list"
// Misc storage variables
var s1, s2;
var i, j, k, m;

// page_list is the list of pages used by the Previous and Next
// functions to determine the next and previous page.
// This is the only code update needed to add or delete a page from
// the site: add it to the proper spot in the list, or delete it.
// Note that if you don't add a page to this list, it can still be visited
// from a link, and the ^Up and Contents functions still work as normal.

var page_list = new Array(
  "/", "i", "ii", "ii_summary", "ii_bush", "ii_wiener", "ii_sage", "ii_ai", "ii_darpa", "ii_licklider", "ii_mcluhan", "ii_rand", "ii_npl", "ii_ipto", "ii_kleinrock", "ii_roberts", "ii_imp", "ii_arpanet", "ii_ncp", "ii_kahn", "ii_cerf", "ii_tcpip", "ii_csnet", "ii_nsfnet", "ii_eunet", "iw", "iw_mgmt", "iw_mgmt_isoc", "iw_mgmt_iab", "iw_mgmt_ietf", "iw_mgmt_irtf", "iw_mgmt_icann", "iw_mgmt_iana", "iw_mgmt_netsol", "iw_mgmt_reg", "iw_mgmt_nsf", "iw_arch", "iw_ip", "iw_dns", "iw_dns_history", "iw_dns_name", "iw_dns_dns", "iw_dns_alias", "iw_dns_info", "iw_packet", "iw_packet_inv", "iw_packet_packet", "iw_packet_switch", "iw_route", "iw_route_arch", "iw_route_igp", "iw_route_igp_rip", "iw_route_igp_ospf", "iw_route_igp_igrp", "iw_route_egp", "iw_route_egp_bgp", "iw_route_egp_egp", "iw_unix", "iw_unix_dev", "iw_unix_c", "iw_unix_war", "iw_unix_gnulinux", "iw_unix_more", "iw_ethernet", "iu", "ia", "ia_nq", "ia_nq_basics", "ia_nq_send", "ia_nq_reply", "ia_nq_conf", "ia_nq_info", "ia_rfc", "ia_rfc_invent", "ia_rfc_use", "ia_rfc_net", "ia_rfc_iops", "ia_rfc_fun", "ia_rfc_interesting", "ia_rfc_email", "ia_rfc_ref", "ia_tools", "ia_tools_top", "ia_tools_whois", "ia_tools_ping", "ia_tools_tracroute", "ia_tools_nslookup", "ia_tools_stats", "ia_text", "ia_text_emph", "ia_text_emot", "ia_text_abbr", "ia_text_act", "ia_text_desc", "ia_myths", "ia_myths_coke", "ia_myths_tax", "ia_myths_toast", "ia_myths_cookie", "ia_myths_craig", "ia_myths_jessica", "ia_myths_cruise", "ia_hackers", "ia_hackers_stallman", "ia_hackers_draper", "ia_hackers_abene", "ia_hackers_mitnick", "ia_hackers_poulsen", "ia_hackers_levin", "ia_hackers_sites", "ia_domain", "ia_future", "ip", "ip_geo", "ip_arch", "ip_speed", "ip_access", "ip_growth", "ip_digital", "ip_speech", "is", "is_conf", "is_anon", "is_anon_work", "is_anon_use", "is_anon_limits", "is_anon_sites", "is_remailers", "is_crypt", "is_crypt_pkc", "is_crypt_pkc_inv", "is_crypt_pkc_work", "is_crypt_pkc_info", "is_crypt_pgp", "is_crypt_sig", "is_crypt_kra", "is_vir", "is_vir_prog", "is_vir_mac", "is_vir_first", "is_vir_prot", "is_vir_hoax", "is_vir_info", "is_pass", "is_res", "it", "it_faq", "it_faq_history", "it_faq_arch", "it_faq_create", "it_term", "it_restart", "it_disconnect", "it_cancel", "im", "im_org", "im_web", "im_hist", "im_usenet", "im_ml", "im_jargon", "im_stats", "im_notation",
  "w", "wi", "wi_nelson", "wi_engelbart", "wi_lee", "wi_slac", "wi_mosaic", "wi_netscape", "wi_online", "wi_w3c", "wi_browse", "wi_hyper", "ww", "ww_pages", "ww_links", "ww_addr", "ww_servers", "ww_http", "ww_html", "ww_applets", "wu", "wu_browsers", "wu_browsers_types", "wu_browsers_config", "wu_browsers_optional", "wu_surf", "wu_surf_surf", "wu_surf_bkmk", "wu_surf_frames", "wu_surf_keys", "wu_search", "wu_search_db", "wu_search_search", "wu_search_special", "wu_expert", "wu_expert_bool", "wu_expert_unique", "wu_expert_and", "wu_expert_add", "wu_expert_words", "wu_expert_quest", "wu_expert_filter", "wu_expert_restrict", "wu_expert_wild", "wu_expert_test", "wu_expert_more", "wu_sites", "wu_sites_alta", "wu_sites_excite", "wu_sites_google", "wu_sites_info", "wu_sites_hot", "wu_sites_lycos", "wu_sites_yahoo", "wa", "wa_browser", "wa_browser_mult", "wa_browser_hist", "wa_browser_clone", "wa_browser_bkmk", "wa_browser_plug", "wa_browser_save", "wa_browser_about", "wa_trick", "wa_trick_city", "wa_trick_other", "wa_trick_search", "wa_trick_change", "wa_trick_trans", "wa_trick_tv", "wa_trick_guess", "wa_trick_expl", "wa_trick_drop", "wa_trick_paths", "wa_trick_sites", "wa_trick_robots", "wa_cookie", "wa_cookie_what", "wa_cookie_cap", "wa_cookie_avoid", "wa_down", "wa_buy", "wa_build", "wa_misc", "wa_arch", "wp", "ws", "wt", "wt_find", "wt_connect", "wt_slow", "wt_error", "wm", "wm_faq", "wm_news", "wm_rfc", "wm_stats",
  "e", "ei", "ew", "ew_addr", "ew_smtp", "ew_pop", "ew_pop_pop3", "ew_pop_imap", "ew_pop_mapi", "eu", "eu_app", "eu_config", "eu_addr", "eu_subj", "eu_comp", "eu_send", "eu_read", "eu_reply", "eu_forward", "eu_save", "eu_delete", "ea", "ea_dates", "ea_att", "ea_att_encode", "ea_att_send", "ea_att_receive", "ea_att_mime", "ea_atsf", "ea_bcc", "ea_sig", "ea_addrbk", "ea_addrgrp", "ea_redirect", "ea_filter", "ea_receipt", "ea_findaddr", "ea_findpal", "ea_free", "ea_rem", "ea_addrchange", "ea_remote", "ea_backup", "ea_games", "ea_net", "ea_compact", "ep", "ep_push", "ep_wait", "ep_many", "ep_free", "es", "et", "et_connect", "et_addr", "et_format", "et_format_why", "et_format_fix", "et_format_fix_macro", "et_spam", "et_virus", "et_delay", "et_rescue", "em", "em_faq", "em_rfc", "em_usenet",
  "u", "ui", "ui_netnews", "ui_early", "ui_nntp", "ui_modern", "ui_alt", "ui_bitnet", "ui_fidonet", "ui_inn", "ui_comm", "ui_old", "uw", "uw_apps", "uw_read", "uw_hier", "uw_list", "uu", "uu_app", "uu_find", "uu_desc", "uu_read", "uu_thread", "uu_post", "uu_reply", "uu_test", "uu_answer", "uu_arch", "ua", "ua_disg", "ua_cross", "ua_cancel", "ua_prev", "ua_remove", "ua_pub", "ua_bin", "ua_filter", "ua_find", "ua_create", "ua_alt", "ua_list", "ua_new", "ua_old", "up", "us", "ut", "um", "um_faq", "um_web", "um_news", "um_int", "um_rfc", "um_note",
  "r", "ri", "ri_early", "ri_emisari", "ri_planet", "ri_talk", "ri_eies", "ri_compuserve", "ri_talkers", "ri_irc", "ri_net", "rw", "rw_apps", "rw_net", "rw_chan", "ru", "ru_client", "ru_server", "ru_config", "ru_chan", "ru_nick", "ru_list", "ru_join", "ru_talk", "ru_who", "ru_chatq", "ra", "ra_motd", "ra_create", "ra_action", "ra_priv", "ra_notify", "ra_ignore", "ra_away", "ra_part", "ra_dcc", "ra_ping", "ra_mult", "ra_cross", "ra_script", "ra_own", "ra_misc", "rp", "rs", "rt", "rt_help", "rt_irc", "rt_lag", "rt_split", "rm", "rm_rfc", "rm_faq", "rm_chat",
  "d", "di", "di_major", "di_client", "di_server", "dw", "dw_client", "dw_server", "dw_type", "dw_extend", "du", "du_client", "du_client_win", "du_client_mac", "du_client_unix", "du_client_other", "du_find", "du_sign", "du_cmd", "du_etiq", "da", "da_log", "da_own", "da_bots", "da_cyborg", "da_kill", "da_term", "dp", "ds", "dt", "dm", "dm_news", "dm_faq", "dm_web", "dm_usenet", "dm_ask",
  "l", "li", "lw", "lw_server", "lw_type", "lu", "lu_find", "lu_sub", "lu_unsub", "lu_send", "lu_reply", "lu_dig", "lu_web", "lu_etiq", "ll", "lli", "llw", "llu", "llu_find", "llu_sub", "llu_unsub", "llu_send", "llu_digest", "llu_suspend", "lla", "lla_index", "lla_get", "lla_give", "lla_set", "lla_lists", "lla_query", "lla_reg", "lla_rev", "lla_scan", "lla_search", "lla_getpost", "lla_stats", "lla_show", "lla_central", "llt", "llm", "llm_doc", "llm_lite", "lj", "lji", "ljw", "lju", "lju_find", "lju_sub", "lju_dig", "lju_unsub", "lja", "lja_index", "lja_get", "lja_which", "lja_who", "lja_end", "ljt", "ljt_help", "ljt_person", "ljt_lists", "ljm", "lc", "lci", "lcw", "lcu", "lcu_find", "lcu_sub", "lcu_unsub", "lcu_set", "lcu_info", "lca", "lca_index", "lca_get", "lca_view", "lca_suspend", "lca_digest", "lca_recip", "lca_stat", "lca_run", "lca_which", "lca_rev", "lca_search", "lca_fax", "lca_release", "lca_live", "lca_owner", "lct", "lcm", "la", "la_mgmt", "la_filter", "la_config", "la_search", "la_own", "la_known", "la_known_oracle", "la_known_newsscan", "la_known_cnet", "la_arch", "lp", "ls", "lt", "lt_unsub", "lt_noemail", "lt_toomuch", "lm");

var page_list_length = page_list.length;

// chapters_index is a string of the letters used to correspond to chapters, 
// used for the folder name for each chapter, and used as the first letter
// of every page name in that chapter.  The chapters_index string is used
// by the functions to recognize these letters in the names of pages, and
// to assemble the appropriate contents page on selection of the Contents
// function. If you add a new chapter, you need to add its corresponding
// letter to this string.

var chapters_index;
chapters_index = "iewurdl";

// Code initialization:
// Reset current_page, then get the page name and set the correct page 

var current_page = 0;
s1 = location + "misc";
s2 = Get_page_name(s1);

// Functions:
//   Get_page_name:  Extract the page name from the URL of the
//      current page. 
//   Page_next:  Go to the next page of the site.   
//   Page_previous:  Go to the previous page of the site.
//   Page_up:  Go to the index page one level up from the current page.
//   Set_current_page:  Cycle through page_list to find a
//      match with the current page name.
//   Set_page_name:  Format the page name, add the chapter folders and htm.
//   Site_contents:  Based on the first letter of the page name, load
//      the chapter table of contents.
//   Site_home:  Reset to the site home page.

function Get_page_name(s) {

  // Extract the page name from the current URL

  var i, j, k, s1, s2;

  s1 = s + "misc";
  i = s1.indexOf(".htm");
  j = i - 2;
  k = -1;

  // Run backwards from the .htm until you find a slash, or hit the
  // beginning (supposedly impossible, but the guard makes fail-safe)

  while ((j >= 0) && (k == -1)) {

    if (s1.substring(j, j + 1) == "/") {
      k = j;
    j = j - 1;


  // Extract the page name, from after the slash to before the .htm

  var s2 = s1.substring(k + 1, i);

  return s2;



function Page_next() {

  // Load the next page of the site.
  // If current_page is not at the end of page_list, add 1, otherwise
  // set to the first page.  
  // Ask Set_page_name to format the name of the page, then load.

  var s1;

  (current_page < page_list_length - 1) ? current_page = current_page + 1 : current_page = 0;

  s1 = Set_page_name();
  location = s1;



function Page_previous() {

  // Load the previous page of the site.
  // If the current_page is not at the beginning of page_list, subtract 1, 
  // otherwise set to the last page.  
  // Ask Set_page_name to format the name of the page, then load.

  var s1;

  (current_page > 0) ? current_page = current_page - 1 : current_page = page_list_length - 1;

  s1 = Set_page_name();
  location = s1;



function Page_up() {

  // Load the index page one level up from the current page:
  //    ft_simple_dry.htm  -->  ft_simple.htm
  //    ft                 -->  f
  //    f                  -->  /
  //    thelp              -->  /

  var char1, j, k, x, s1, s2, s3, s4;

  // Get the current page, and check its first character

  s1 = page_list[current_page];
  char1 = s1.substring(0, 1);

  // If a top-level page, return the home page

  if (char1 == "t") {
    current_page = 0;
  } else {

    // Starting from the end of the page name, search for the previous "_"

    s2 = s1 + "///";
    j = -1;
    k = 0;
    x = -1;
    while ((j == -1)) {
      s3 = s2.substring(k, k + 1);
      if (s3 == "_") {
        x = k;
      if (s3 == "/") {
        j = 0;
      k = k + 1;

    // If found a "_", then select from the start to one char before

    if (x != -1) {
      s5 = s2.substring(0, x);
    } else {

      // If second char of name is folder separator, then the page is a
      // one letter chapter name, so return the home page as the Up page

      s4 = s2.substring(1, 2);
      if (s4 == "/") {
        s5 = "/";
      } else {

        // Page must be a two letter section home page, so select the
        // first character to get the chapter home page

        s5 = s2.substring(0, 1);

    // Run the page name through page_list to set current_page



  // Format the page name for loading, then display

  s1 = Set_page_name();
  location = s1;



function Set_current_page(s) {

  // Run through page_list to find the specified page name,
  // and set current_page as an index used by other functions

  var index = 0;
  var i = 0;
  var found_page = -1;

  // Run to end of page_list unless page match found

  while ((i <= page_list_length) && (found_page == -1)) {
    if (s == page_list[i]) {
      found_page = i

  // Set current_page if match found

  if (found_page != -1) {
    current_page = found_page;



function Set_page_name() {

  // Format the page name indicated by current_page for loading

  var s1, s2;

  s1 = page_list[current_page];
  s2 = s1.substring(0, 1);

  // If the home page, then return just the home page

  if (s1 == "/") {
    s1 = "/";
  } else {

    // If not top-level page, then add chapter folder name

    if (s2 != "t") {
      s1 = s2 + "/" + s1;

    // Add the home designator, and the htm page suffix

    s1 = "/" + s1 + ".htm";


  return s1;



function Site_contents() {

  // When on a top level page, display the main site contents page.
  // When on a chapter page, display that chapter's contents page.

  var char1, i, s1, s2, s3;
  var on_chapter = -1;
  var chapter_toc = "/ttoc_";

  // Add the top level help page to the end of the URL, so the home
  // page will be interpreted as a top level page, as in:
  //    livinginternet.com/  -->  livinginternet.com/thelp.htm

  s1 = location + "thelp.htm";

  // Get page name and check if chapter page

  s2 = Get_page_name(s1);
  char1 = s2.substring(0, 1);
  i = chapters_index.indexOf(char1);

  // If not a top-level page and confirmed as a valid chapter page, 
  // then assemble the appropriate contents page name and load

  if ((char1 != 't') & (i != -1)) {
    on_chapter = 0;
    chapter_toc = chapter_toc + char1 + ".htm";
    location = chapter_toc;

  // If not found to be a chapter page, then display site contents

  if (on_chapter == -1) {
    location = "/ttoc_site.htm";



function Site_home() {

  // Load the home page

  location = "/";


// End Living Internet source


ちょいちょい弄ってページ繋ごうかなあとか思ったけど、ちょっと面倒臭い。current_page でカウントアップとかカウントダウンしとる。何ページ繋いだかカウントしとかないとダメ。


no title



  1. 「あの選手はもう峠を越したよね」と世間に思われているベテラン選手。
  2. 5年前には将来を嘱望されたけれど、今は明らかに伸び悩み、ベンチで不遇をかこつ中堅組。
  3. 世の中にまったく知られていないルーキー。






















livedoor Readerとか情報ジャンキーみたいなものでしかないので、




パーミッション777 18:05

はてな使ったら負けかなと思っている2011 - mala's blog


