
マイクロソフトからマウス・キーボード共有ソフト Mouse Without Borders、PC4台まで共有

「境界なきマウス」は、マイクロソフトの社内プロジェクト The Garage から生まれたソフトウェア。

Garage はマイクロソフト本社building 4にある場所の名前であり、社員が就業時間以外に思い思いに集まって自分の興味あるプロジェクトを進める場所

Microsoft opens Garage to spark innovation | Microsoft - CNET News

The Garage gives workers access to tools such as a soldering bench, a laser cutter and a 3D printer. It offers instrumentation for testing prototypes. The Garage will host Web applications.

But maybe most important, it connects workers to colleagues with similar interests or needed skills, something that can be challenge at a company with nearly 90,000 employees.

"The goal was to figure out how we could support grassroots innovation,"

"In the bathrooms, there were still things like 'IBM sucks,"