google talk から twitter を使う。
"follow all" は使える。
"leave all" と "off all" は使えないってさ。

taizooo: off
twitter: Updates are off. 'on' to start again. To silence direct messages too, send 'off' again.
taizooo: on
twitter: Notifications are on. Turn them off by sending 'off'.
taizooo: off
twitter: Updates are off. 'on' to start again. To silence direct messages too, send 'off' again.
taizooo: leave all
twitter: We're no longer supporting this command. Soon it will be received as an update.
taizooo: off all
twitter: We're no longer supporting this command. Soon it will be received as an update.
taizooo: leave
twitter: Send 'leave username' to leave someone's updates. 'follow' to turn on.
taizooo: get all
twitter: ALL: We're getting ready to go on tour so EVERYBODY check out our myspace page and see where we'll be!
yay! (2 months ago)
taizooo: get
twitter: Can't find that person. Did you misspell the name?
taizooo: g
twitter: Can't find that person. Did you misspell the name?
最終メッセージ - 火曜日 17:08